We are Ambassadors for our Risen Lord who choose to proclaim His truth through Southern Gospel music. Our mission is to reflect the words of Jesus, “If I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me”. God has given each of us the gift to proclaim his word through song, so therefore we go. In understanding our world is quickly fading, we choose to redeem the time by encouraging our brothers and sisters in Christ and to win the lost for His kingdom.
Meet the Guys
Mike Atchison has been married to Karen for 52 years. They have been blessed with two sons, two wonderful daughter-in-laws and two grandchildren. In 1973 Mike started singing with the Gospel Messengers and then in 1974 joined the Soul Searchers Quartet. Mike sang briefly with the Glory Road Quartet before joining the Sonshiners Quartet in 2000. He became the lead singer with the Open Heart Quartet in 2013. Mike has stated, “When I started singing in 1973, I did not know what God had in store for me. Little did I know that I would be involved in singing gospel music for over 50 years.”Mike has been a faithful Elder at Dive Christian Church for seven years. Mike believes that each person needs to keep his heart open to whatever God’s plan is for their life.
I believe that “Southern Gospel music” is that ministering tool for the weary
Many of my Christian brothers and sisters are oppressed from the trials
this world casts upon them daily and are in need of encouragement and
uplifting in spirit..
God has given each member of Open Heart Quartet, the gift to sing His
praises and show forth His love and Joy, just to be counted as one of His
Knowing that time here is quickly fading, I have chosen to travel these
many miles and sacrifice my energy and weekends for the cause of
encouraging the church.
As the scripture declares “The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few”.
My first traveling ministry began in the 80’s with a quartet named “The Soul
Searchers” there I met Brother Mike Atchison, whom I’ve discovered
chooses not to throw in the towel in the face of obstacles or
discouragement while traveling and singing Southern Gospel Music.
Together these past 45 years Mike and I, have proven our God to be
gracious to his children. The “Open Heart Ministry” is the result of God’s
Grace on four men: Mike Atchison, Chris Begarly, Gary Craig and Jerry
Tinkle who are willing to serve, and in that we can testify that our God does
have a plan. He does not make mistakes.
Our continued prayer is that the songs we sing and the words we speak
bring our Brothers and Sisters closer to Christ “in as much as we see the
day approaching” and that His hand guide and protect us as we travel
these many miles.
Gary Craig is a lifelong resident of Bedford, Indiana. He sang his first solo in church at the age of five years old and he has been involved in music ever since. Gary directed his church choir for over 35 years and participated in the National Church Music Conference for 28 years.
Then God opened the door for Gary to sing with the Open Heart Quartet. When his great-nephew stepped down as their Tenor in 2015 to focus on his academics, Gary took his place. Now he is starting
his ninth year with the quartet. “Our rapport and appreciation for each other is as tight as our harmony when we’re singing,” stated Gary. He also said, “I’m excited for what God has in store for us in the next few years.” God brought Gary and his wife Susan together, along with their children, over 42 years ago. Their
schedule is very full with their five children, fourteen grandchildren, and six great grandchildren!
My musical career began as a member of my high school swing choir where I graduated in 1971
upon graduation from college in 1975 I began singing for weddings, funerals, and solos in church services. I joined a praise team after getting married in 1989 I joined a praise team at church made up of two men to women. We began singing outside of the church as a common Bond
in 1990 and that lasted until 1997 in approximately 1998. I joined a Michigan quartet called, "Saved by Grace" and sang with them until 2001, after a year off, I joined a group based out of Muncie, Indiana called the "Ministers Quartet." I was a member of that group for 11 years ending my tenure in 2013 upon auditioning in the fall of 2014 I joined the Open Heart Quartet in
December 2014 and I’m still a member of that quartet to this day. I have enjoyed the mini
travels that we have taken and the ministering that we’ve done to churches and individual groups
And have enjoyed the company of Mike's cohorts Mike Gary, and Chris. I hope to continue my
ministry into the distant future with this group of guys. God bless everyone.